The Ask

You may not know that sells more than just Dell products. And you may not know that they ship everything for free. Our job was to get people excited about free shipping and handling on all the things you can buy on 


The Answer

What does the phrase, ‘Free Shipping and Handling,’ actually mean? Everyone understands, ‘Free Shipping.’ But truth be told, we still don't understand, ‘Free Handling.’ We do know that the good people at Dell take their handling seriously. Very seriously.

So we made some TV spots, social posts, and video billboards to let people know just how seriously. The ads were intended to run a full quarter. But they drove so much traffic that Dell extended the media buy for another year.   


file under

Advertising, Broadcast, Touching


Concept by Jonathan Campo and Henry Mathieu

Art Direction by Jonathan Campo and Henry Mathieu

Written by Jonathan Campo and Henry Mathieu

Directed by Matt Piedmont

Creative Direction by Thomas Shim

Agency Y & R