Extra Ordinary

Gravy Boat Regatta created a pilot for an animated sketch comedy show of our own called, Extra Ordinary. The show aims to glorify the mundane and celebrate the absurdity of day-to-day life in contemporary America.

The show's protagonist, Duke, is a hyper-sensitive loner who's senses are constantly assaulted by his surroundings. Duke's world serves as the show's home-base, from which we cut away to other sketches rendered in a range of different visual styles. Each episode's sketches are organized around a central unifying theme, and show's themes change from one episode to the next.


11.2.jpgExtra Ordinary - Duke gets a haircut.
Extra Ordinary - Duke gets a shampoo.
Extra Ordinary - Barbacide.
Extra Ordinary - 'Carl's Barber Shop' exterior.
Extra Ordinary - Elvis in a coffin with a sandwich.
Extra Ordinary - Clyde the barber.


Directed by Jonathan Campo, Joshua Frankel & Henry Mathieu

Voice Actors: Paul Outlaw, Jonathan Campo, Joshua Frankel, Henry Mathieu, Nicole Caputo, Jen Catron, Skinny Friedman, John Henry Boudreaux, Tim Roan

Music by Church Girls

Guest artists: Maxmillion Bode, David Lobser

Sound by John Moros & Jonathan Campo

File under

Content, video, animation