
The ask

Group1001 engaged us to brand and promote a new financial product: an annuity that loads a stream of monthly payments onto a Visa debit card, and gives amazing cash-back rewards.


The answer

Gravy Boat Regatta built the brand Relay from the ground up: market research, messaging strategy, visual identity, and advertising. Relay’s logo is an ambigram; it can be read up-side down or right-side-up. In 2018, Relay sponsored the Andretti Autosport Indy car #26, driven by rookie Zach Veach. We designed the IndyCar's flashy orange and yellow livery. 

Relay credit cards - Andretti Autosport orange and yellow branding.


Identity design

Gravy Boat Regatta started from scratch. Armed with some market research and an idea for a new financial product, we forged a logo mark and crafted an entire corporate identity system. Relay’s resulting playful, typographic ambigram mark can be read up-side down, and right-side-up. The hexagon shape that anchors the mark is used as a design motif in our larger visual system. Relay’s color palette consists of bold, saturated colors that reflect the exuberance and satisfaction of achieving a goal.

Relay credit cards - Andretti Autosport orange and yellow logo.
Relay credit cards - Visual Identity black and white.
Relay credit cards - Visual Identity color logos.
Relay credit cards - Visual Identity color palette.

Brand in action

Relay credit cards - Web landing page.
Relay credit cards - Andretti Autosport orange and yellow branding - trifold mailer.
Relay credit cards - 'Plan Smart' bus ad tryptic.
Relay credit cards - Andretti Autosport orange and yellow branding - relay car..
Relay credit cards - Sticker shock branding mockups.
Relay credit cards - Full-page magazine ad 'Because fitness isn't free.'
Relay credit cards - Full-page  magazine ad hair curlers.
Relay credit cards - 'Because braces' full-page magazine ad.