The Ask

Well, there were two asks.

First, TVG has a loyal fan base. This endemic audience lives and breathes horse racing and heads to the track religiously. However, they’re not so tech savvy. How do we communicate that they can download the TVG app and bet anywhere at any time?

Second, there’s a relatively untapped newcomer audience. They are vaguely aware of horse racing and only engage with friends for big races like the derby. How do we tell them that horse racing is not that complicated and actually happens year round?


The Answer

We came up with a few campaigns. Each campaign idea was designed with two different flavors: one to address the hardcore horse-betting audience, and the other to address the dabblers who only dip into horse-betting for the Derby. It was a whole lot of fun


Campaign 1

“We Speak Horse”

Newbie audience


Campaign 1

“We Speak Horse”

Diehard audience


Campaign 2

“it’s race day”

Newbie audience


Campaign 2

“it’s race day”

Diehard audience


Campaign 3

“there’s nothing like winning”

Diehard audience


Campaign 3

“there’s nothing like winning”

Newbie audience



Creative Direction by Jonathan Campo and Henry Mathieu

Art Direction + Design by Jonathan Campo, Missy Bruno, and Zach Seger

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Campaign Development